
Warner Vegas Blog

Life After The Pandemic

Posted by Matthew Reis on

We can all agree the global Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the world for ever. It impacted everyone differently, and we here at Warner Vegas are no different. From shipping delays, to product inventory issues, and even sales have all be affected. We've been dealing with all these issues just like you have. Moving forward, we would like to reinforce our mission and goals. As a small business, we faced difficulties, but we maintain our dedication to changing our community first. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to our future.

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Posted by Matthew Reis on

On April 2nd an amazing man, Rico Cody, gracefully ended his fight against colon cancer. Rico was beloved in the community and his battle to survive cancer was put in the social media spotlight. He empowered people facing adversity, gave courage to those who needed it, and was a model father, husband, and a member of society. Warner Vegas would like to show our gratitude and respect to Rico, his family, and friends by draping our site in blue. The blue is in support of colon cancer awareness and research. Thank you Rico and we love you. #B4R #IronSharpensIron

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Posted by Matthew Reis on

This year's 4/20 is special. It's special because it's 4/20 all month long! Here at Warner Vegas, we believe and support the medicinal and recreational uses of cannabis. We're excited to launch our Four20 collection, and looking forward to more themed releases. This collection will be releasing piece by piece through out the month, so stay updated by subscribing to our news letter. Thank you.

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Making a difference

Posted by Matthew Reis on

Starting today, and until this pandemic is considered to be over, all purchases will help a family being economically effected by these unfortunate events.

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Posted by Matthew Reis on

There aren't enough hours in the day...again, I'm up late, working on my site, brand, and doing research. Sleep is for the rich, and even then, they're still making money. That's my goal...to make money in my sleep, not necessarily to be rich, but do want to be comfortable. Ideally, this site will grow into something that'll sustain a desirable lifestyle and a future for my family. Late nights turn into early mornings...

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